Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bri's first day of School

Well yesterday was Bri's first day of 1st grade. He said he had a great day and thank goodness he was not up at 5:30am like he was on his first day of school last year. Caty-lynne starts tomorrow and is excited but she said she is a little scared about learning how to read this year. I'm sure she will do great! I also put in a picture of the girls. Enjoy


saltysista said...

You look so cute, Bri! Lizzy's pose reminds me of Nana! The girls look so adorable.

Jeni said...

Lizzys pose cracks me up! haha
Cute outfit Caty-Lynne! and I hope the first day was good for Bri!!

The RC Miller Clan said...

Wow! 2 posts in one day! exciting!! Cute kids man. I think you're more excited by the way...and in that comment I made on the last pose, I realized that Caty doesn't have her chin in her hands and yah, her name isn't spelled with a K...oops!

Lynne said...

CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE!!! They all look adorable! Hi kids, Nana loves you and misses you!!

Proud Momma said...

Your kids look sooooo old...those girls are babes! I can't believe Caty-lynne, seriously she will be a heartbreaker...watch out Brian!

Proud Momma said...

I was reading your comment on R2's blog and I still can't beleive that Bri walked at 7 months...seriously I would go nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!