Sunday, June 28, 2009

Well He Did It!  Brian finished residency!  I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished.  We went to his graduation dinner the other night and it was very nice.  Carleigh was sporting the little black dress.  Even though it was little it was still to big on her.  We are now in Greensboro trying to get settled in.  Once I get everything together I will post pictures of the house.  That might take me a year so don't hold your breath.  Brian starts work here on the 1st.  It will be so nice to have him home more, we are really looking forward to that.  He has had the last few days off and Lizzy I think ask everyday if he is going to work.  She just doesn't know how to act with him here so much.  I guess that is something she will have to get use to.  Well the kids are doing good.  I don't have any recent pictures of the other kids.  I have not pulled my camera out in a long time, will have to do that soon.


Lynne said...

I was so thrilled to see you posted. First of all, my son looks so happy and distinguished! Congratulations, congratulations!! You've worked long and hard!! Secondly, Carleigh couldn't get any cuter if she tried. She has grown sooo much since I've seen her. Long legs and arms... and an adorable smile, and thirdly, I've never seen you with bangs and I really love them. You look beautiful!! It's been a long journey for you too, so nice to have it completed! I'm so happy for you guys. Can't wait to see other pictures - soon I hope:)

Jeni said...

Is this an illusion that you posted?
congrats Brian I am so proud of you!!
And Robin your bangs are totally cute!

pagefamily said...

Robin, congratulations to you all! I know he worked so hard, and your support helped I am sure. So glad you are all here, and can't wait for some "girl time"!!!
And can't wait to see the house!
Love you

Wishing for the West Coast said...

Congratulations - I love you all very much!